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Tricks and cheats
here are some tricks and tactics

Binds u can bind something to a key..but make sure the game doesnt already use that key.
And u must typ the following in main console..
for example im gonna use key x..

/Bind F12 Screenshot
/bind x playdead = for faking dead
/bind x spawnguns = for fun mode all weapons
/bind x spawnhats = for fun mode all silly helmets
/bind x spawnnades = for fun mode multi nades
/bind x sg = for smoke nade on/off
/bind x cg_fov1000 = for silly view
/bind x say_team >>>>long<<<< example u can make it everything like >>>short<<< and >>>>ductss<<<<
/bind x stats = shows ur kills and dmg and points
/bind x classes = shows all classes on your side

/bind X "vsay GoodGame"
/bind X "vsay Hi"
/bind X "vsay Cheer"
/bind X "vsay Bye"
/bind X "vsay Thanks"
/bind X "vsay GreatShot"
/bind X "vsay Oops"
/bind X "vsay_team FireInTheHole"
/bind X "vsay_team HoldYourFire"
/bind X "vsay_team TakingFire"
/bind X "vsay_team AllClear"
/bind X "vsay_team DynamitePlanted"
/bind X "vsay_team DisarmDynamite"
/bind X "vsay_team DynamiteDefused"
/bind X "vsay_team EnemyWeak"
/bind X "vsay_team Incoming"
/bind X "vsay_team DefendObjective"
/bind X "vsay_team ClearPath"
/bind X "vsay_team PathCleared"
/bind X "vsay_team LetsGo"
/bind X "vsay_team Medic"
/bind X "vsay_team NeedAmmo"
/bind X "vsay_team NeedEngineer"
/bind X "vsay_team OnDefense"
/bind X "vsay_team OnOffense"
/bind X "vsay_team NeedBackup"
/bind X "vsay_team FollowMe"
/bind X "vsay_team Sorry"
/bind X "vsay_team Welcome"
/bind X "vsay_team Affirmative"
/bind X "vsay_team Negative"
/bind X "vsay_team IamEngineer"
/bind X "vsay_team IamMedic"
/bind X "vsay_team IamLieutenant"
/bind X "vsay_team IamSoldier"

Kills you. Useful for quickly dying so you can respawn as a different class or with a different weapon.

Quits the game.

Shows the current server's settings.

/toggle r_fullscreen
Will toggle between windowed and full screen mode. You must restart the game each time it's changed.

Making a demo in single player
typ in console:

/record testdemo = is for starting demo
/stop testdemo = is for stopping demo
/demo testdemo = is to see demo

Finding a server with ip
typ in console following line:
/connect <then space and ip>

Making color name
go to main rtcw..were u fill in your name..
then hold shift press 6 (both on same time)..release and press a 2nd number..
example shift + 6 and then 1= red
1 - Red
2 - Green
3 - Yellow
4 - Blue
5 - Light Blue
6 - Pink
7 - White
8 - Black
9 - Red

HUD Commands

This class of commands affects different displays on the heads up display. Many of these settings can also be changed in the menus.

/toggle cg_drawcompass
Toggles the compass on or off.

/toggle cg_draw2d
Turns the entire Heads Up Display either on or off.

/toggle cg_drawfps
Either shows or hides your frame-per-second in the upper right-hand corner.

Changes your field of view. Higher values give you a "fishbowl" effect that some players like, as it gives them better periferal vision.

/toggle cg_drawtimer
Shows the amount of time left on the level. Not too useful, since there's a clock on the screen by default.

/toggle cg_gibs
Toggles whether or not gibs are drawn when someone is hit particularly hard.

/toggle cg_drawteamoverlay
Draws or hides the team overlay information that shows health and location of all your teammates.

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